Kythe Foundation

Niceday at Kythe Foundation

May 21, 2016 01:00 PM

Our heartfelt gratitude to KYTHE FOUNDATION for allowing us to spend the afternoon with the kids. An afternoon filled with magic, laughter and memories that we will forever treasure. To the kids, we salute and admire your fighting spirit. Keep the faith and belief that everthing will be ok with HIM. Nothing is impossible through prayers. We cannot wait to see you again this December and will prepare something more special for you.

Our heartfelt gratitude to KYTHE FOUNDATION for allowing us to spend the afternoon with the kids. An afternoon filled with magic, laughter and memories that we will forever treasure. To the kids, we salute and admire your fighting spirit. Keep the faith and belief that everthing will be ok with HIM. Nothing is impossible through prayers. We cannot wait to see you again this December and will prepare something more special for you.

Our heartfelt gratitude to KYTHE FOUNDATION for allowing us to spend the afternoon with the kids. An afternoon filled with magic, laughter and memories that we will forever treasure. To the kids, we salute and admire your fighting spirit. Keep the faith and belief that everthing will be ok with HIM. Nothing is impossible through prayers. We cannot wait to see you again this December and will prepare something more special for you.